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I’m Bill Lin, who take charge in the overseas project of SPPC(Shanghai Pudong Productivity Center)’s trade service department. As a non-profit organization on behalf of the government, Shanghai Pudong Productivity Center (SPPC) is certified as National Model Productivity Center. The services we supply covers:
1. Supplying consultancy and assistance for international trade and overseas project cooperation.
2. Seeking to and providing international trade information, evaluating market potentials.
3. Helping overseas companies to find manufacturers, suppliers and partners in China.
4. Recommending cooperative projects and helping to establish joint venture or sole-funded enterprise.
5. Providing consultancy on government’s regulations, taxation legislation and tariff.
6. Providing training and education on international business activities, business manners and cultural custom. Helping to establish close relations between governmental organizations and enterprises.
7. Inviting and making arrangement for foreign delegation’s activities in China.
For more information about us, you may refer to www.sppc.org.cn and www.spitrade.com.
At present, we are seeking partners in CIS countries, if you are interested to cooperate with us, please contact us as soon as possible, we would like to take further negotiation with you. Thanks.
Best regards,
Bill Lin
Trade service department
Shanghai Pudong Productivity Center (SPPC)
Address: 350 ChunXiao Rd, ZhangJiang High-tech Park, Shanghai,China
Post Code: 201203
Tel: +86-21-38953272
Fax: +86-21-50270585
Email: linyuan@spitrade.com