New Delhi. Stefan Rohner,
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New Delhi
scan from print
миша масленников  ( # )
Отличное продолжение диалога.
Михаил Почуев  ( # )
Glad to see you posting here again!
сЕлена  ( # )
reach, touch, stretch

Богдан Попов  ( # )
Muy buena foto, respeto affectuoso!
Денис Земляков  ( # )
Сергей Милицкий  ( # )
Бакшиш давай за съёмку :)
Stefan Rohner  ( # )
Михаил Зелёный sometimes I come to look at pictures, but I forget to upload own ones ;)

thanks all
Михаил Почуев  ( #   )
Where can I find your most recent photographs, which website? What are you up to now?
Stefan Rohner  ( #   )
blog for fun:

in my last morocco work I am less involved, more observer:
Михаил Почуев  ( #   )
Thank you, I will bookmark it for sure :)
Максим Грибков  ( # )
Good one
Sveta Novik  ( # )
What are they asking for?
Sveta Novik  ( # )
Морина Мария  ( # )
it is timeless story. people crowds, looking for help, faces that we need to see - to understand what is going outside of our little personal world
Stefan Rohner  ( # )
NSveta these are normal people, it is not about getting food, the fight for an ice cream ;) 23 July is the birthday of some (I forgot) Sikh guru, there was a big festival happening in New Delhi, food, sweets for free, people say that these gifts are coming from the guru, it brings health and luck...
Морина Мария  ( #   )
that's great - so we (or me personally) misinterpreted the story
Sveta Novik  ( #   )
Oh now it is more clear for me. Thanks
George_Baldin  ( # )
expressive people - nice shot.
Рой  ( # )
picturesque people in India...
Павел Безруков  ( # )
Андриан Козин  ( # )
10, :)
Александр Зайцев  ( # )
9!!! :)
Колдунов Виктор  ( # )
Такое впечатление, что всё держится на мальчике в правом нижнем углу
шельма  ( # )
вот это Снимок!!
сколько эмоций..
Александр Гривин  ( # )
Миша Леонов  ( # )
Наталия Брыксина  ( # )
безусловно продолжение тем Босха...Отлично
Василий Пирогов  ( # )
очень здорово!!!
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