death and the maiden. Stefan Rohner, портрет
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death and the maiden
hasselblad 503cw, zeiss 60mm 3,5 kodak trix 400 (N-1)
Stefan Rohner   |   24.2.2004, 18:07   |   Портрет   |  Все фотографии автора
Виктор Кустов  ( # )
Геннадий Меергус  ( # )
ужас какой.... а девушка, наверное, красивая была.
и вертикальные полосы ещё зачем-то
Pavel018  ( # )
Валентин Копалов  ( # )
мертвая королева. Испанская легенда про короля, женившегося на убитой противниками любовнице, и возведшем на трон мертвеца.
Карл Ангерер  ( # )
nice shot, but I dont really like looking at it (doesnt give me a nice feeling).
Олег Виденин  ( # )
Stefan, have you got received my letter?
Stefan Rohner  ( #   )
yes but I dident understand, it was here in the system?

send me an email please:

thank you
Олег Виденин  ( # )
ah! this email I got from you! and I answered it weeks ago......

but! there is a small problem, I like the idea, but I live on "Ibiza"

Ibiza is a very small Island in the Mediterranean sea in Spain, here

live only about 40000 people,,,, that will be not very interesting for you...

I never made an expo here, people don't move their asses :)

what you think?

best regards Stefan

People in Bryansk the same – very passiv people.)

Its a problem the all no-capital citys.

But another variants now we dont have.

I think our expo inpotant for you and for me for our PR

And you look real Russia and I look Ibiza

Stefan Rohner  ( #   )
I have you email here, please excuse me but I had no time to answer you,,,

best regards Stefan
всё  ( # )
Kuhl werke!:)
Анатолий ИМХО  ( # )
Для Штефана Ронера слишком мелко. Портит все представления о его работах :( (б/о)
Fenik  ( # )
Савченко Михаил  ( # )
А на мой взгляд наоборот - потрясающе!
ДK  ( # )
The work is facinating, even I personally would prefer to see the girl without the mask, mask makes the picture heavier, still I like it. It containce its uniqueness, wich makes your work so different from others.10
misteriq  ( # )
joy kageraw  ( # )
божественно, просто бесподобно!
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