10. Livia Geabelea002, путешествия
Отзывов: 7. Напишите свой отзыв 
Livia Geabelea002   |   26.2.2004, 16:52   |   Пейзаж   |  Все фотографии автора
Livia Geabelea002  ( # )
I kindly ask you to write to me in English. Thank you a lot.
Марина Рогожина  ( # )
serious photo
Тяпка  ( # )
My english is very bad, but i can say, this photo is great!
Савченко Михаил  ( # )
amazing, really..
medium format?
in which country it was taken?
Александр Голубков  ( # )
I like this picture so much!
It really wonderful, really serious.
Thank you for this photo!
May I take it in my album?
Livia Geabelea002  ( # )
The photo is taken in Romania (I'm from Romania), in the south-eastern area, near the Danube Delta river. The man in the photo was just showing me the right direction to reach the shore.

Thank you for writing me. Best regards, Livia
Савченко Михаил  ( #   )
Thank you for showing your photos! :)
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