1. Livia Geabelea002,
Отзывов: 6. Напишите свой отзыв 
Из серии Fragments of my Journeys.
Livia Geabelea002   |   13.2.2004, 12:20   |   Натюрморт   |  Все фотографии автора
Livia Geabelea002  ( # )
I kindly ask you to comment in English, as I don't speak Russian. Thank you and regards, Livia.
Виктор Кустов  ( #   )
I`m sure You see the difference between these two compositions (I mean this photo and the next one). However You use absolutely the same frame there. I just can`t understand the point. IMHO this work (number 1) is just perfect, I marked it 9. But the next one (number 2) doesn`t make any impression for me... I marked that work 5 (sorry).
Livia Geabelea002  ( # )
The series is longer. A short description of the story of this will be added soon. Then, it will all make sense (at least I think that). Thank you for writing.
Виктор Кустов  ( #   )
I see... That`s the problem on this resource - You just can`t post all the series at once. Of course there is a lot of obvious reasons for this (this administration rule is to prevent the site from a kind of "flood" of somebody`s photos). So, I wish You good luck with Your series.

P.S.: By the way, where are You from?
Livia Geabelea002  ( # )
From Romania.
bambuk  ( # )
da...tak prosto, a...!
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