12. Livia Geabelea002, животные
Отзывов: 5. Напишите свой отзыв 
Из серии Fragments of my Journeys.
Livia Geabelea002  ( # )
I don't speak Russian, please write to me in English. Thank you!
Дмитрий Чубаров  ( # )
It's disputable.
Especially, your series named 'Places of Life', but the horse is a life itself. Why in this series? ;)
/I didn't rate it/
Fenik  ( #   )
She lays on the place of a life:)
Livia Geabelea002  ( #   )
I'm not interested in ratings. I'm interested in hearing as much opinions as possible about what is wrong or may be improved from now on.

About the name of this series: there's a zigzagging between city and countryside, sky and earth, mind overwhelmed by thoughts and freedom of open places. There's an introspective view. By these photos I try to show signs of my passing through different physical places, but also to present interior journeys through my states of mind. My “Places of life” series tries to play with shapes, shadows, is either moody or extremely happy, has different flavors (at least for me) and, above all, lays the maps of my soul as a photographer.

The photographers on this site will seize what I mean to say.

Thank you all, for your comments and interest.
Василий Сергеев  ( # )
Класс-класс-класс. Охренеть. I just found out you don't speak Russian. Well, all I want to say - here is really an independent view and good tehnique. I envy this foto.
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