for Mikhail Steinberg. Stefan Rohner, репортаж
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for Mikhail Steinberg
in the German community somebody told me that the 2 heads in front and the man passing by in the back are not nice... ok,.... what happens if I don't have them there? I would be immediately on the young … Весь текст
Mikhail Steinberg  ( # )
I agree, i would say the same thing- these 2 men are "framing" picture, giving it some depth. I think that picture would be worst without these 2 framing figures. As far as moving man- I dont see how can you control that. Other than waiting for him to pass, but than the whole thing my change...

Я полностью согласен, фигуры в углах нужны, они обрамляют снимок и придают глубину, без них было бы хуже.
Mikhail Steinberg  ( #   )
I know you are not a big fan of post-processing, but what if you try and "burn" back area and left corner a bit? Could that accentuate it a bit more? Just a suggestion.
Алексей Толчинский  ( # )
I do like the 2 boys in front and the picture as a whole. It's complex. There are multiple elements, the eye jumps around and doesn't stop.Multiple lines of sight, foreground, midplane, background. However, I don't quite read the passing man in the middle as he's on the same vertical as an element that is much stronger visually - boy standing in the middle of the frame. I agree with one of the comments that either burning or a more shallow depth of feild would have provided more separation between the background and the foreground and would have focused attention more on the scene at the front. Background is a bit busy. But it's a stong photo regardless.
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