***. Константин Ко, гламур
Отзывов: 7. Напишите свой отзыв 
Валерий Виноградский  ( # )
Хорошая кароточка!
Константин Купцов  ( # )
птица с длинными коготками из мифов, и взгляд и помада указывают на современность аналогии
sdrobkov  ( # )
Ангел с такими когтями?! :))
lana1203  ( # )
либо красные ногти...либо ангельские крылья...одно из двух...несоответствие...взгляд не ангельский, а скорее секси вумен :)
Simona-Elena Vitouladitis  ( # )
Nice shot! Cute girl, nice color and light. I like better the other portrait of this girl where she's ready to fight. I have a question(no relation with the photography in general) : I've noticed that in many photos the girls or women have very long strongly painted nails. Is there a fashion in Russia right now for so long nails? In this shot, although, because of the bright red color, the nails are playing a role in the message of the image.
Константин Ко  ( # )
to Simona-Elena Vitouladitis - I guess u're from Greece! Greetings! About nails - this particular girl use bright red paint for 3 or even more years (it is a kind of habbit or smth., most of girls I shoot doesn't use nail paint at all or use transparent or just shining! About the message - i suppose that this picture doesn't have any message))))) maybe the previous in series, but not this))) thanks for question
Simxa  ( # )
хороша птичка!
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