I was interested to capture the essence of the first day of Easter Lent(you know, the 40 days period before Easter)in Greece, because here in this first day, as a celebration, people go out, have a seafood based feast with friends and family(no fish),with a special bread called "lagana" and as desert "halva", made without yeast, and they all playing with kites. Here, in Corfu, where I live, one can see all the beaches full of people with their colorfull kites. :) Also, I liked the antithesis between the small silhouettes playing under the BIG almighty sun. I hope you like it!- (full screen, please!)
I was interested to capture the essence of the first day of Easter Lent(you know, the 40 days period before Easter)in Greece, because here in this first day, as a celebration, people go out, have a seafood based feast with …
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