Без названия. Dr StrangeLight,
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Dr StrangeLight   |   6.9.2002, 13:18   |   Пейзаж   |  Все фотографии автора
Сергей Трапезин  ( # )
Замечательно! А что за белые точки равномерно раскиданы по кадру?
Dr StrangeLight  ( #   )
Hello Sergey!
Thank you for you comments, i'm very pleased you liked this photo.
The white points are stars. that's because this photo was taken at night (4
am), with an exposure time around 40 seconds. What looks like the sun
actually is a very bright full moon. The lightmetering (actualy it was more
guess work...) was done for the rocks, so the moon came quite overexposed,
and looks like the sun.

Best regards
Сергей Трапезин  ( #   )
Very interesting. Indeed I thought it's the Sun :). How did you manage to get the shadows from another light source, as it seems to be?
Dr StrangeLight  ( #   )
it's just faint reflected light from the surroundings. that's why i needed such a long exposure time. in addition when printig the photo i used a mask in order not to darken to much the rocks, while having a deep black sky.
Андрейка  ( # )
Very good! A picture from another planet.
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