Yellow and Green. Net_Immigrant,
Отзывов: 7. Напишите свой отзыв 
Yellow and Green
katamount  ( # )
а что она делает?
Евгений Губарени  ( #   )
то ли поёт, то ли танцует, раз уж на сцене
но опять же от зрителей отвернулась.
Net_Immigrant  ( #   )
(Comments pls in English, if possible)

Neither singing nor dancing. Just standing still!
сЕлена  ( #   )
You have to give her money
a little
then she'll dance
Net_Immigrant  ( #   )
This pic is taken in Athens three days ago and is from the Global Mobilization for the Climate; a way to press the big governments to take measures for the global warming. So if the ices melt and the most beautiful city of Europe (SPb) floods, I don't think we'll be in the mood for such jokes!
Евгений Губарени  ( #   )
somebody say, that increase of planet temperature is result not only human, but concerned with increase of Sun activity in first.
сЕлена  ( #   )

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